Sunday, September 12, 2010

Michael Carney Reflection

On the day of September 7, 2010 I knew right away i was going to be late. The night before I had a late night sleep and I really did not want to get up. After reaching classes 5min late I saw a new face. While listening to Dr. Dunston my view changed about many things. I realized my success will begin when I gain wisdom. Wisdom was a huge goal in life and it is  a key aspect today. Dr. Dunston retraced many of her reasoning from Africa. Many others today and also before used wisdom to solve many problems. Deep rooted in Africa history wisdom  solved all problems. 3 main points Dr. Dunston quoted " I am on time"and " I am on Point". Dr. Dunston  stated DNA is the universal code of life. In class Dr. Dunston said many thought the earth was the center and stable. However, they soon realized the sun was the venter amd the earth revolved around the sun. Dr. Dunston quoted the ' Knowledge is Revolution" and 3 major qualities stated were Quality, Volume, and Speed. How good and fast your aquire knowledge. The volume of your knowledege  and the speed your aquire.  Dr. Dunston was a great speaker and I just feel she needed more attention grabbers but overall great teacher .

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