Monday, September 13, 2010

charles harris on dr. Dunston

Charles harris


After being amazing last week by Dr. Carr’s lecture I was delighted to see that we had another guest speaker. The guest speakers name was Dr. Dunston her credentials she studies science and has a PhD so I was very impressed. The summary of Dr. Dunston lecture was dealing with genomes while also highlighting the ideal of knowledge and the importance of it. She told us that howard university has the only genome center among historically black universities. This fact made me even more proud to attend school at Howard University. The other part of her lecture was having hunger for attaining knowledge she mention names like barrack obama. It really made me want wisdom more and more. Dr dunston also works at Howard university as does Dr. Carr. She talked about the number of chromosomes in the body and the importance of them and having the right amount how that effects things like birth and defects of the body . she talked about DNA and have it’s the life of the body how no two peoples DNA can be the same even if you have twins or family. What I got from the lecture was a lot different from Dr. Carr’s lecture not better or worst just different information I took a lot in about genomes in other science topics and can probly because a pre-med major. Learned that knowledge is power and one must have the drive for knowledge to be successful. I cant wait to hear next weeks speaker because the ones before were simply amazing

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